2016-2017 Technology grading policy

Grades K-2

Students in grades K-2 will receive a grade of 4, 3, 2, or 1 on all graded assignments. In addition, weekly rubric grades will be entered into PowerSchool to measure participation, effort and following directions.  To receive a 4, a student must demonstrate thoroughness, independence,  and consistency.  Therefore, it will take time for students to achieve a level of 4.  Most students will typically earn a 3 or 2 regularly, which is totally normal.  It takes time for students to develop their skills and become responsible.  Students needing significant redirection and those demonstrating minimal effort may receive a 1.

Grades 3-8

Students in grades 3-8 will receive various point values depending upon the assignment.  Some assignments will be out of 10 points while others may be of a higher or lower point value.  In addition, students will earn up to 10 points per class for weekly classwork.  A weekly rubric is posted in the technology lab and students will be measured according to the posted criteria. The weekly points will be entered into PowerSchool by date so you may monitor progress. If a student is not present for at least half of a class period, no credit will be earned.  The code ABS will be entered into PowerSchool for that individual class period.  Any student who is asked to leave class due to inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior, and therefore unable to complete classwork for the day, will receive reduced points.  

Mid-terms and final exams will be given to students in grades 6-8.  Checklists will be given 2 weeks in advance and will outline everything the students need to study to prepare for the exams.  

Students who miss class due to absences, appointments or band lessons will be responsible to make up any required assignments.  No late assignments will be accepted without prior approval.  Partial credit will be given for incomplete assignments. Open lab times are available for extra help before and after school, as well as M, W, F  weekly for students in grades 3-5 during their recess.  The may come to the lab with a pass to work on outstanding assignments or to obtain extra assistance.  Students in grades 6-8 will all be assigned an additional study hall period in the lab weekly.  Additional times may also be utilized with a pass.

If there are extenuating circumstances that exist that necessitate an extension on an assignment, I must be contacted via email by the due date of the assignment.  Extenuating circumstances include a prolonged illness or hospitalization or family emergency.  Family vacations do not count as extenuating circumstances.

Appropriate detention may also be assigned per All Saints Catholic Academy detention policy.

Grades will be weighted as follows:

                50% of the grade will be projects/assignments

                30% of the grade will be class participation and effort (potential 10 weekly points)

10% of the grade will be quizzes   

10% of the grade will be keyboarding


Should you have any questions or concerns, please email me at kdaless@ascaalbany.org.  

Mrs. Kelly D’Alessandro